Call For Paper    (Vol.22,Issue-1, Jul-2024) 

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Publish Research or Review Article with high impact factor in Globally popular e journal














 What exactly is the peer review process? 
          Professional evaluation is a vital scientific publication process and the diffusion of information and knowledge. Professional evaluators are experts chosen by publishers to provide published evaluation of the strong points and weak points of published analysis, with the purpose of improving the confirming of analysis and determining the most appropriate and finest high quality material for the publication. Regular evaluators should be instructed to fulfill minimal criteria (as identified and promulgated) regarding their qualifications in unique analysis, publication of articles, official training, and past crucial evaluation of manuscripts. Professional evaluators should be experts in the particular subject resolved in the content they evaluation, and should be chosen for their detachment and scientific knowledge. Those who do not have such skills should not be evaluators, and in that respect is no part for overview of content by individuals who hold a major competitive interest in the subject of the stipulation.


         The publishers should regularly evaluate all opinions for quality; they may also modify opinions before publishing them to writers, or simply not post them if they sense they are not beneficial or appropriate. Ratings of review high quality and other efficiency features of evaluators should be regularly analyzed to ensure maximum efficiency, and must lead to choices on reappointment or continuous evaluation demands. Individual efficiency information may be presented for evaluators and it must be held secret.


        The presented manuscript is a privileged communication; evaluators must address it as private. It should not be retained or duplicated. Also, evaluators must not discuss the manuscript with any colleagues without the precise authorization of the editor. Reviewers and publishers must not gain whatever personal or professional use of the information, justifications, or understanding (other than those straight impacted in its peer review) prior to publication unless they have the authors' particular authorization or are writing an article or opinion to go along with the article.


         High-quality evaluation is important, but similarly significant is that instructors are able to easily determine which material of the publication are peer analyzed. The publication should explain which types of content are peer analyzed, and by whom (IE, only by article chosen board members, by outside professional evaluators, or both). Editors should highly look at having a statistician evaluation review of unique query that is being considered for publication, if this possible, since reviews have confirmed.

       Editors should publish annual/proceedings audits of approval rates, book durations, and amount of distribution sent out for external peer evaluation, and other function information.