Call For Paper    (Vol.22,Issue-1, Jul-2024) 

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Publish Research or Review Article with high impact factor in Globally popular e journal















  • Publishing Policy:- 


       Good research should be easily validated, well organized, and properly designed, hence that it can properly address the inquiry query. Mathematical issues should be taken early in the system study, to avoid useless studies that produce subject risk. Inquiry should be passed on with high requirements of quality details analysis. Manufacturing, falsification, concealment, misleading confirming, or misunderstanding of data comprises medical wrong doings should be carefully prevented. Recorded evaluation and advantage from a officially constituted evaluation board would be respected.

      The recommendations for preferred presentation and analysis of data should be described in the Information for Contributors or Authors. Wherever possible, recommendations should be grounded on evidence about methods of data presentation that are readable and most likely to be read correctly by readers. Editors should keep themselves informed of this research and accommodate their recommendations as it develops.


Plagiarism policy:-


      Plagiarism is the use of others' released and unregistered concepts or terms (or other perceptive property) without attribution or authorization, and introducing them as new and unique rather than based on a current resource. The objective and impact of plagiarism is to misinform individuals as to the efforts of the buccaneer. This is applicable whether the concepts or conversation are taken from abstracts, analysis allow programs, Institutional Evaluation Panel programs, or unregistered or released manuscripts in any book structure (print or electronic). 

      Self-plagiarism signifies routine of a writer using areas of their old documents on the same subject in another of their journals, without particularly stating it officially in quotations. This work out is extensive and sometimes accidental, as there are just so many methods to learn the exact same factor on many features, especially when composing the techniques part of a piece of writing. Although this usually smashes the trademark that has been assigned to the founder, there is no agreement as to whether this is a type of scientific misconduct, or how many of one's own terms one can use before it is truly "plagiarism." Probably for this purpose self-piracy is not seen in the same mild as plagiarism of the concepts and terms of other individuals.

      If  plagirism found in published paper any time after publiaction  then as immidiate action published paper will be removed from our Journal .And in this case no refund will be paid to author.